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No start problem 70 hp

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  • No start problem 70 hp

    Hello to all I’m new to the forum and boats. I recently bought a pontoon with a 1982 Evinrude 70Hp motor. The 1st time I took it out we cruised for about a half hour and had pulled up next to my brothers boat. The motor stalled and was unable to restart. We towed it back to the marina and while waiting for the trailer decided to retry it and it started up. I shut it off and could not restart it. I brought it home and have replaced the power pack, key switch and stator still no spark. As per the Clymer Manual and using a Fluke 189 Peak reading meter I got the following test results.
    Charge Coil= 287 volts, Power Pack= A-288v,B-220v,C-347v, Sensor coil=A-2.1v,B-2.0v,C-1.85v, Ignition Coil=A-265ohms,B-268ohms,C-262ohms also checked black/yellow wire to ground –open, all testing was done with cannon plug disconnected from boat wiring. Also isolated engine harness no short to ground or between wires.
    What is causing the no start and no spark on any cylinder?

  • #2
    Check your neutral kill switch on the motor. If defective will cause the motor to loose spark.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts


    • #3
      Where is the kill switch located on the motor? I thought the black/yellow wire in the harness going to the power pack and coils was for the kill switch.

