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Hello and Help!!

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  • Hello and Help!!

    sorry for disturbing your evening..... I need a lot of help with 3 questions....
    I have recently purchased a 1985 8hp Johnson seahorse BJ8BALCOB

    start with the easy ones...

    1, How do I start it? lot of very technical pages/ manuals on the web... but i just need the simple "to get it started" and "making a noise with it" pages
    i have fiddled around and sworn at it, but it refuses to start.

    2, on the side it says fuel mix 100:1 is this still the case or have fuels been improved upon since 1985?.... everything else 2 stroke and noisy in the shed uses a 50:1 mix

    still with me?...... great! last question(for today)

    3, the boat has a remote fitted, year unknown but branded as Evinrude "simplex" and has 2 levers black and red. is there anyway i can replace the tiller with this remote?
    on poking about it does appear that the throttle linkage on the outboard has a spare clip that looks like it may do the job...
    but after 2 days of solid web searches, the coupling part or "remote kit" has been discontinued. can this be coupled so that if the motor ever eventually starts i can at least look where I'm going...
    many thanks in advance and congratulations on a great forum

  • #2
    Hummmm.To start it be sure it is firing.Take one of the plugs out and ground the body of the plug to the motor some where.The wire has to be on it.If it is grounded you should see a blue spark at the electrode at the end of the plug.If it fires put it back in and spray some mixed gas in the carb with a windex type bottle.It should at least hit.For remote steering you have to take the tiller off and find a remote mount that will fit it.The tiller mount is not set up for remote.Ive never seen a remote 8 horse. but a larger remote may fit it


    • #3
      Thanks for speedy reply...
      steering not a problem, that just bolted on...
      starting.... do i prime fuel line ... choke out.... pull string? or do i need to do anything else first?...i.e inside the cover?
      its the throttle/ gear select remote that i need some kind of connector/ coupler for..... i presume that the engine end has some kind of quick release so that its portable..... the two cables from the throttle/gear remote have already got some sort of clip/thread on the ends.... just need a way to couple them together..


      • #4
        One cable goes to the shift rod and the other to the throttle.There should be a holoe in the shift handle.The throttle side has to have a remote hook up where the tiller throttle is hooked up.You will have to find a remote hook up for the throttle.As far as starting it just try it.


        • #5
          thank you again.....
          started it up today.... very smokey so that answers question 2 i suppose...
          i will keep trying and keep you informed on any progress

