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No ignition on 1979 9.9

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  • No ignition on 1979 9.9

    My 1979 9.9 Evinrude stop running, there is no ignition anymore on both spark plugs.
    There is three easyly removable parts : The coils, the regulator and the power pack. All the other ignition components are under the flywheel.
    I dont think that the two coils burn at the same time, so I am expecting other failed component.

    Do I need to change the power pack and the regulator and see if it's work or it's an other failed part ?

    Thanks for the help !

  • #2
    Could be the stop switch, power pack or charge coil. Would need to test each component.
    Evinrude Outboard Parts


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kildir70 View Post
      My 1979 9.9 Evinrude stop running, there is no ignition anymore on both spark plugs.
      There is three easyly removable parts : The coils, the regulator and the power pack. All the other ignition components are under the flywheel.
      I don't think that the two coils burn at the same time, so I am expecting other failed component.

      Do I need to change the power pack and the regulator and see if it's work or it's an other failed part ?

      Thanks for the help !
      Do one step at a time

      1. Disconnect the Stop Switch and check for Spark also make sure plugs aren't fowled.

      2. Check CDI pack and make sure the ground is grounded to the power head and check both CDI rubber plugs making sure the terminals (Pins & Sockets) are clean.

      3. Check both coils insuring they are both grounded to the Power head with the short wire where as the long wire is routed to one of the rubber terminal plug which you may have to check next.

      4. If still no luck and provided you have a volt meter (Fluke) or whatever you may have. Disconnect the wire cable coming out from under the flywheel and check two things.

      1. Trigger Sensor (White wire with Black strip) and (Black wire with White strip) it should read 38.5 ohms or close to it. If your meter has the audible buzzer it should buzz On Mostly and Off momentarily as you rotate the flywheel if you do not have this feature on your Volt meter then you should at least see a change in ohms reading.

      2. Charge Coil (Brown wire with Yellow strip) and (Brown wire with White strip) it should read somewhere close to 0.550 k ohms, if for some reason you don't get a reading on the Trigger Sensor or Charge Coil it will be because of the wire terminals you are probing with meter leads are dirty and need to be cleaned or the part being checked is faulty due to and open circuit and will need to be replaced. If both Trigger and charge coil check good then more then likely the CDI (Power Pack) will be your problem and will need to be replaced where as it cant be checked without another motor to try it on.

      Hope this helps!!!
      Last edited by skybobber; 12-11-2010, 03:45 AM.

