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1987 25 hp Evinrude rough running

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  • 1987 25 hp Evinrude rough running

    As mentioned, I have a 25 Evinrude tiller. This is the problem, after a few minutes of slow trolling thru the channel the engine seems to "miss" but not stall out, tolerable, but a pain in the rear. Larger problem, when coming out of the channel and speeding up, at a point that I would equate to half throttle, engine bogs down and looses rpm, boat slows down. I retract the throttle position and "baby" it back up to speed but same thing happens at the same point in engine rpm.s Had a local and reputible dealer look at it and they replaced something called a "electrical power pack" (p/n 0586800). This did nothing to correct the problem. I'm thinking now it may be a carboration issue. Looking for any suggestions. Anything would be of great help.

  • #2
    Check you high speed jet, sounds like it might be plugged.

