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78 Evinrude 115hp not firing on starboard side

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  • 78 Evinrude 115hp not firing on starboard side

    At first I had spark on 2,3,4 but not on 1 So after checking all the plugs and wires for corrosion and whatever, I pulled the flywheel to find the key was sheared fixed that. Now I have no spark on 1,3 both on starboard side.

    OK, So I put a different Stator on and now I have fire back on 2,3,4 but not 1.(back to where I started) I am very confused. I tried the no fire or intermittent fire on one cylinder or one bank. According to this it says if the firing stays the same that the stop circuit is bad. What is the Stop circuit? I am starting to pull my hair out on this I can't seem to get fire to #1 cylinder.

  • #2
    Sounds like power pack(imo). If it was isolated to a pair of cylinders only it would usually come from under the flywheel. But usually powerpacks fail on 1 cylinder(or all).


    • #3
      Stop circuit(black/yellow striped wire) would stop firing on all cylinders, causing a "no spark" condition. This will not be your problem.

