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Conversion to Electric Start

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  • Conversion to Electric Start

    I have a 1963 18hp that works well. I would like to convert it to electric start. Is there a kit for this?

  • #2
    Originally posted by rogerd View Post
    I have a 1963 18hp that works well. I would like to convert it to electric start. Is there a kit for this?
    I guess there's not too much traffic on here. I started a thread too. It seems like nobody answers any questions on this website forum.


    • #3
      Sorry, I am new here myself or I would have replied sooner.
      have you visited a sight called "leroys ramblings" ?
      Leroy, eats,sleeps and breathes Evinrudes ! i have a 78' model 9.9 and wanted to add electric start. I went to Leroy's sight and he had all the info i needed to make it happen.

