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15 hp 1989 evinrude- Problem

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  • 15 hp 1989 evinrude- Problem

    I've got a 1989 15hp evinrude that while going full speed last summer it just kind of cut out and will only idle. If I try to speed up it just revs really high and the prop doesn't move. Everything I have read seems to point to a spun hub? would that be a good guess? I took the prop off yesterday and the ridges all look fine and when putting the prop on it fits very snug with no noticable movement. However there is a rubber spacer that looks as if it had almost been burnt in a way, a bit worn. Would that rubber spacer be enough to cause the problem that I am having?

  • #2
    Put a Mark on prop at cotter pin, run motor again and see if prop moves from mark.

