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1976 evinrude 115 hp tilt/trim

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  • 1976 evinrude 115 hp tilt/trim

    I have a 1976 Ranger b*** boat with same year 115hp evinrude, I had the tilt/trim line pop, got that replaced but now I need to fill it but don't know where I'm supposed to put the oil I'm at. I'm hoping somebody here can guide me, called the marina, they said it would be between $100 & $500 to fill it. That's too much money for something that should only take 10/15 minutes to do.


  • #2
    That unit will have a large container with one (1) large fill screw on the side, a inch or so below the top edge. That screw will have a "O" Ring on the back of it for sealing purposes.

    The unit "must" be in the extreme "up" position when filling... fill it to overflowing.

    100$ to $500 to fill a unit with roughly a dollars worth of fluid? I'd avoid that marina I'm thinking.

