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Has anyone ever replaced Tilt Lock Pin Bushings

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  • Has anyone ever replaced Tilt Lock Pin Bushings

    I'm a newbie to these forums, and although I'm no expert outboard mechanic I have repaired a few of my own over the years, so not a newbie at slinging wrenches.. But I have never had to change out the (2) Tilt Lock Pin Bushings on a 1995 25 HP yet.. Evinrude part # 0319693..
    These are the 2 bushings that the Tilt/Reverse Lock Lever pins rotate thru..You can flip this lever up then Tilt the motor up to run in shallow water or down to keep the motor locked down so you can run it in reverse with out it trying to flip up out of the water..
    My question is: What is the best way to remove and install these old worn out/busted bushings?
    Thank you for any and all easy solutions..

  • #2
    Well I've got the new bushings ordered and I'm going to try and fabricate and use a homemade puller made out of a piece of 1/4 inch all thread rod and a black pipe nipple and cap to remove the old bushings, and if that fails I will try using progressively larger drill bits to drill them out....Then maybe lots of lube and a big hammer to get the new ones back in


    • #3
      Your post confuses me somewhat. Those bushings are normally floating bushings, that is they're greased on both the inside and outside and are simply finger tight... pushed in or out easily. Perhaps they are simply jammed due to salt corrosion?


      • #4
        Problem Solved

        Thank you for the reply Joe.
        But I had already found out by trial and error how to get them out and that they are indeed suppose to be free floating and I believe that this is exactly what happened to these bushings, they were seized in place (at least partially so).....they each have respective grease zerks and corresponding holes and grooves to keep them lubricated through (looks like this was never done)
        I wound up taking a grinder and grinding the protruding ends of the bushings flush with the transom tilt bracket ***my, then took a 3/8" drill bit and started drilling them out..They are pretty easy to drill, as they are made out of some kind of plastic fiber material..
        After drilling about 3/4 to 1 inch into them the bit will jam inside the bushing, and the bushings will spin free and come right on out
        I then cleaned out the powdered corrosion from each bushing bore and then pre-lubed the bores and interiors and exteriors of bushings and ***embled everything..
        The Tilt/reverse lock sure Works great now!


        • #5
          Glad you got it all together and all is well. I had no doubt you could handle it. Hope all your future problems are as small. Happy boating........

